Did you know? Chelsea is the fastest growing city in Shelby County. On top of that, Shelby County is the fastest-growing county in Alabama. Chelsea was incorporated in 1996 and the census showed 958 citizens. Do an image search on Google and see what 1,000 people look like. You’ll find photos that show what the population of Chelsea actually looked like in 1996, plus a few people and minus the dogs, and cats, and lizards, and the few people that didn’t want to be counted. Jump to 2010, ten years after Y2K, and you’ll see that the world and Chelsea’s growth did not stop there. In 2010, the census counted 10,000 folks enjoying the benefits of this wonderful city! Move on to 2017—12,199 people—(really, they couldn’t find just one more person?) and, present-day, it’s 2020, and the DECENNIAL CENSUS is coming! The current population of Chelsea is projected to be more than 20,000. Quick math, don’t think too hard, Chelsea’s population has doubled in the last decade and we just keep on growing.
Are you in the city limits?
Want to learn about annexation and how it can benefit you? Here’s a tidbit—the City of Chelsea would be allotted more federal funds to provide more and better services for our residents if our population increased—we all like more and better, right? Well, you can help us get more and better! The decennial census is right around the corner. Be counted! Help the City in our efforts to provide better streets, parks, and other facilities by annexing into Chelsea’s city limits—a great way to help at no cost to you.
Learn more about Annexation and how it can benefit you https://www.cityofchelsea.com/223/Annexation-Info
Learn about the 2020 Census https://census.shelbyal.com/
Note: Google updates the map but not as quickly as the lines change so it is a moment in time.